Sunday, August 25, 2013


Yup, another one of the few great comics that I grew up with. 
It being from a different cartoonist. It was a completely new experience from the Tintin comics. From the story line, to the time that it was set in. Even to the use of magic have been thrown in from time to time. Hell, even Julius Cesar and Cleopetra are ACTUAL characters in this series.

Speaking of characters, the characters would be drawn in a stylistic way, with most characters having really big feet and noses. To the point where even the way the characters get into a fist fight would be all stylised. Plus the rich, bright colors that help makes the characters stand out more. The comic panels are slightly bigger and wider than the Tintin comics and there a lot more comedic moments than the Tintin series. 
The character chemistry between one another is probably one of their strong points.
Mix all of that and you get yourself 48 colored pages of Asterix goodness.

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